Mohamed bin Sultan bin Mohd

The AL TOOQI family is recognised as probable the most successful family in the horse of show jumping. it all began in Ibra with the leather business man Mohamed Sultan (Grandfather) who would start riding as hobby. there one son Sultan bin Mohamed senior (father) would inherit, the passion of horse and together there are start an equestrian dynasty second to none, with over 10 members jumping.

Sultan bin Mohamed bin Sultan

Sultan Mohd AL Tooqi was the founder of The Olympic Equestrian Training Centre. God bless his soul, he passed away in 1988 but not without ensuring his succession. Hamood and Salim passed onto his nephew Sultan Junior, Mohd and Cousin Sheikha and Sulu, Both have done our family proud with the establishment of the Olympic Equestrian Training Centre, known globally excellent performances at prestigious competitions and for even greater horsemanship.